We have had lots of lovely rain at Fernances Creek. The paddocks are super green with lots of grass for the horses. The breeding season has kicked off with lots of visiting mares for our stallions Artus and Spartacus.

Many more people are working from home or remotely so we have met some lovely visitors in the Back Forty and the Clubhouse just wanting to get away in the country and chill out.

We have a lovely French couple here helping us on the farm for a few weeks and we are very grateful after a long absence of helpers due to COVID. We are having our annual Christmas Ride & Lunch on December 4th (on Nominate) so we are looking forward to catching up with people again. I am planning a nice festive lunch and a BYO.

We have had 1 little filly from Skarlet that we called Savannah but her paddock name is Squiggles due to a squiggly face marking.