Haflinger Waves and Beaches

The Christmas holiday season has been a whirl wind of fun for us with the horses. We started out in late November 2017 with our last event of the year “Annual Christmas Derby, Six-bar and Lunch. It was so exciting to have our first cross country competition and to see everyone going through the courses. The six-bar is always action packed so it was a great finish for us in 2017.

At the end of December, Steph and Nick came for a visit and we had an awesome few days up in Hawkes Nest and swam the horses in the ocean. Thank you Lilliepilli Creek for the awesome hospitality and wonderful experience.

We took Fernances Creek Nero and Serenity and they transformed into seahorses before our very eyes. Little Nero is only 3yo but did not put a foot wrong the entire time and just powered into the surf, swimming and enjoying the cool water.

It’s all gone too quick and we are looking forward to our “Get Back Into It” cross  country and showjumping day with Nic Chipperfield, followed by a social lunch.

Enjoy the rest of the holiday season and we hope to see you soon!


Breeding Season Post 1

The breeding season is almost finished. There are a couple of young foals on the ground from Nutella and we anxiously waiting for the first foal from our new stallion Spartacus to arrive within a matter of  days.

Here are are couple of photos and there will be more as soon as the new foal arrives. Fingers crossed it is a filly!

We are still waiting on the new foal from Spartacus from Rosebrook. She is a few days late and with all the storms, we are sure that today is the day. More likely than not it will be tonight. It seems to be essential to have a stormy night with very little sleep followed by lots of oilskins,gumboots and late nights for the foaling experience to be complete. Hopefully tonight is the night!

The remainder of the mares will foal early 2018.