It’s that time again for Haflinger Breed shows in Australia. Although our first passion is for Haflinger Sporting (showjumping, eventing), we also support the AHHBA
and the promotion of the Haflinger breed for sporting and pleasure riding. Our first show is Maitland and we will be taking our stallion Spartacus. There will be lots of whirly rides, bright colours and excitement as all Agricultural Shows and hopefully some well behaved horses in the ring.
So far Spartacus has been excellent but I don’t want to jinx him by going on about it. If you are at Maitland Show on Friday, come and say “hello”
Previous Blog :New Haflinger Foals at Fernances Creek
After a long wait and much anticipated day, we finally have our first foal from our new stallion Spartacus and our lovely mare Rosebrook. The most exciting news is that it is a filly!
Rosebrook has been lumbering around the farm for the past few weeks with a huge belly and we believe she was at least 10 days late. No wonder she looked so big, the filly has super long legs
and already looks very alert and alive. The foal is drinking and Mum is enjoying a nice feed this morning. We are so thankful she waited until the weather was good as last week was full of rain and wind.
We haven’t chosen a name but the name will begin with the letter “R”. When you breed haflingers, if it is a filly the name must begin with the first letter of the mare’s name and if it is a colt, the name must begin with
the first letter of the stallion’s name. Enjoy the first photos of this little filly.