“Artus from Austria, goes to Australia”
Ein Meilenstein in der Geschichte unserer Haflingerzucht ist gesetzt. Artus, der 2jährige Vollbruder von Adonis wird sein zukünftiges Leben in seiner neuen Heimat Australien verbringen. Die züchterischen und sportlichen Erfolge seines Bruders haben ihn den Weg in die weite Welt geöffnet. Mit dem Weltreservesieg und den großartigen Sporterfolgen ist man von Adonis angetan und hofft das nun sein Bruder Artus in Australien diesen Weg forts

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“Artus from Austria, goes to Australia”
A milestone in the history of our haflinger breeding is set. Arthur, the 2-Year-old brother of Adonis, will spend his future life in his new home His brother’s athletic and sporting successes have opened him to the wide world. With the world reservesieg and the great sport is done by Adonis and hopes that his brother Arthur will continue this path in Australia.
After weeks’s preparations, Arthur entered Australian soil after a 22-hour flight this weekend. His new owners Sharon Groves with Paul Groves and Heather Payne will prepare him at the www.fernancescreek.com.au farm a nice new home.
We wish our youngster all the best, the new owners have fun and success with him. May he meet the requirements of breeders and athletes in Australia and leave positive traces.