It’s been a very full 10 months at Fernances Creek! It all started in December 2019 with the bushfires and finished up late January. Our farm was surrounded by 3 large fires but we had such great support from the firefighters that nothing burned on the farm. The smoke was really bad and we had to evacuate 17 horses. We had four mares that were due to foal and of course our stallions to move. We were very fortunate with friends and even some complete strangers that came to our aid. The mares foaled off-site and the stallions were looked after very well by friends. It was a bit of touch and go as at one point we feared the place that we had evacuated to would have a bushfire but that never eventuated. The stress factor on the family was huge but it was just great having family near and offering a helping hand.
This is the first year in five years that we have not had Workaway girls from Europe to ride and help with the horses. I really miss them as we have had so many wonderful riders and helpers. Hopefully some of them can visit us soon.
We had 3 colts and 1 filly. 2 Colts, Aiden and Adorno from Artus our new stallion that we brought in from Austria; 1 colt from Nutella, Noecello. This was our last foal from Nutella as he was gelded earlier in the year and will become a riding horse. The filly, Lucia is from Spartacus.
We managed to hold a very good event and club day and then COVID restrictions came into play. We were not affected directly by the virus but we were forced to cancel 2 really good events. When we finally were able to run another event, the second day got rained out. So with bushfires,drought, COVID and then lots of weather, it has been a challenging year so far. Luckily there is plenty to do on the farm and lots of work to keep us busy.
The Club House and Back Forty B&B have been very busy and with our new Ride & Stay option, people are able to bring their horses and ride while they stay. This is very popular with small groups horsey friends and families. Paul has been chopping wood all winter for three places so that everyone is warm and cozy while getting very fit but not to happy..haha!
Our next event is on October 25th and will feature cross country with Jess Somerfield and a dressage protocol with Ginny Stubbs. We will also be providing an optional lunch for our riders which has been put on hold in our previous events. We are happy to be putting on this lunch again as it is so good to see people come here and relax after riding with a tasty lunch. We still offer our signature Old Stonewall Sangiovese red wine and now offer a rose’, pinot gris and a sparkling to our guests for purchase.
All of our horse events can be entered on : www. and all enquiries regarding Ride & Stay, our B$B’s or horse sales can be made on this site using the contact form.
Sorry it has taken me such a long time to post again. Enjoy the photos.
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The Boys and Girls

